Tidligere arrangementer

Gundula Bartzke disputerer - kraftledninger og elg
19. May 2014 Gundula Bartzke disputerer 23.mai. Oppgaven har tittelen "Effects of power lines on moose (Alces alces) habitat selection, movements and feeding activity".
Brukermøte OPTIPOL 2014
20. January 2014 4. februar kl. 1000-1500, NINA-huset, Trondheim
CEDREN på Technoport Talks
4. June 2013 CEDREN deltar på Technoport Talks 13. juni, Trondheim:
Norway’s role in a renewable energy Europe
Bonn Convention - CEDREN side event: mitigating birds electrocution
23. November 2011 State Secretary Heidi Sørensen leads the CEDREN side event at the 10th Conference of the Parties to the Bonn Convention in Bergen 24 Nov 2011.
OPTIPOL user meeting
20. October 2011 The OPTIPOL user meeting takes place at Rica Hell Hotell, by Trondheim Airport, thursday 17 October. A detailed programme will be distributed later.