CEDREN nyheter

Policy brief fra CEDREN om potensialet for norsk fleksibel vannkraft når det europeiske strømmarkedet endrer seg

Published on: 24. November 2016

Forskerne i CEDREN-prosjektet HydroBalance har analysert potensialet til norsk fleksibel vannkraft i et europeisk elsktrisitetsmarked i endring. Funnene er oppsummert i HydroBalance Policy Brief 3, 2016.

Policy brief fra CEDREN om potensialet for norsk fleksibel vannkraft når det europeiske strømmarkedet endrer seg
Forskerne i CEDREN-prosjektet HydroBalance har analysert potensialet til norsk fleksibel vannkraft i et europeisk elsktrisitetsmarked i endring. Funnene er oppsummert i HydroBalance Policy Brief 3, 2016.

HydroBalance Policy Brief 3/2016:

Evolving European electricity markets, and possibilities for flexible hydropower

HydroBalance Policy Brief-CEDREN-Evolving European electricity markets, and possibilities for flexible hydropower

This policy brief describes the integration process for electricity markets in the EU. New regulation (partly adopted, partly in process) exist for various electricity market types.

Studies within the HydroBalance project have shown that both electric energy and ancillary services are important when considering the utilization Norwegian hydropower for balancing of variability of European wind- and solar-power generation.

In the following, we start by giving a brief introduction to why we need the different electricity product types.

Thereafter we shortly introduce the corresponding EU-processes in the evolution of new regulation, and we discuss specific regulation. Finally, we discuss possibilities of utilizing hydropower for new value-creation, and which factors that are important for the realization of this.

Last ned hele HydroBalance Policy Brief 3, 2016: Evolving European electricity markets, and possibilities for flexible hydropower (pdf)

Les også HydroBalance Policy Brief 1 og 2, 2016 >


Atle Harby,  Michael Belsnes, Ove Wolfgang


